15 MOST UNIQUE CARS History Has Ever Seen! This Is What CLASS AND ELEGANCE Truly Means!

1937 Bugatti Type 57S Atalante

The first Bugatti Type 57S debuted in 1935 at the London Motor Show with the roof of the body, gradually going down to the rear bumper, a style that is applied to the Atlantic coupe. In the end, only 48 exclusive and exquisitely designed Bugatti Type 57S were built, and only 17 of them in the style of the elegant and sporty Atalante coupe.

The Bugatti Type 57S with 57551 chassis and engine from the Series 30S was released on July 23, 1937 with the Atalante in black body and the interior in pigskin upholstery. Another embodiment of a body with low placing washers between the radiator and front wings, was presented in October, 1937 at the Paris Motor Show. The car was put up by the company for a week prior to the acquisition of its first owner Jean Levy from Strasburg, deputy administrator of the family ownership ‘Grands Moulins de Strasbourg’, successful company for food grain. Levy led his Atalante until then, until the war broke out and gave it to Maurice Weber, the head of the production of feed for livestock in the Grands Moulin in 1941, presumably to save it.

1937 Bugatti Type 57S Atalante front three quarters

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