THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CAR YOU SEE AND HEAR ALL MONTH! Aston Martin Vulcan IN ACTION Around The Circuit Of Misano During The Ultracar Sports Club Track Event!!!

Priced at $2.3 Million, you already have the idea of what car to expect. Considering the amount, the car is so great as well, we assure you in that.

It has insane looks, insane engine and awesome comfortable drive that will never be forgotten. The car is Aston Martin Vulcan, and the name rings of power and strength, and of heat of course. This car is hot because there is a massive engine inside that reaches high speed in no time, leaving the drivers behind hot and red.

The engine that drives this Aston Martin Vulcan is a 7.0 liter V12 engine, which is spectacular on the road. Delivering stunning 800 horsepower to the wheels, it is safe to say that this will be the best thing you will hear this month.

The only bad thing about this car is that, there will be only 24 pieces made of it, so if you have the cash, the staggering $2.3 Million, hurry up and pay up, because soon there will be no Aston Martin Vulcan left for you, and you will end up watching videos of it.


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