Oftentimes people say that there is a very thin line between being a genius and totally crazy, right? And in the case of the guy in this video you are about to see, that is definitely true. I still cannot figure out to which category he falls in. At the beginning of the footage the guy does something very usual that we have all done before. Pulling up at the gas pump the man realizes that the petrol cap is on the other side of the car, meaning that the gas pump hose will not reach. Difficult problem…So how does he solve it? Does he get back into the car and drive to another pump? Nope. This guy has a much better idea!
I must have watched it about 1000 times now…Crazy or genius? Share your thoughts with us:
So, what do you think people?! In case you know someone with little twisted logic who might do a thing like this, we suggest you share this post with them immediately!