3 Different Car Door Locks

The type of lock that a car door is fitted with depends on many factors. The car’s make, model, and age make the most difference, but personal preference also comes into play. You may be thinking that it doesn’t matter as long as your car is safe, but each type of lock comes with different benefits and disadvantages.

Whether you are interested in the type of lock your car has or you want to upgrade your current system, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are the three basic car door locks, and what you need to know about each.


Standard Lock and Key

The first type of locks put into cars and still used in many production lines; manual key entry locks are simple. The very basic, standard solid locks are cost-effective to replace. They also don’t need to be cut by the car’s manufacturer and any locksmith service will be able to make a spare key.

You will know this type of lock if your car has a knob on the inside that has to be pushed down or pulled up from the inside. There are options to have a transponder encoded into your manual key. The benefit is that if your car is broken into, it won’t start without the key, even if someone tries to hotwire it. The downside is that it can be costly to replace if you have a Mercedes or BMW.


Automatic/Electronic Locks

Electronic locks are a step up from your standard lock and key system that allow you to lock and unlock all the car doors with just a small keypad. The range is impressive so you can open your car door from a distance. These types of locks have to be coded into your car, so if you ever lose a key you need to go to the dealer for a replacement.

Electronic and automatic locks are also harder to break into. One bonus is if the electronic keypad stops working you can still use a physical key to get inside the car. If you lose the key then you will need the services of a professional like Etobicoke Auto Locksmith. Specializing in car key replacement, lockout services, and ignition unlocking, Etobicoke Auto Locksmith has parts for any car make and model. This service provider is the leading automotive locksmith service in Canada, offering same-day service.


Keyless Systems

Completely taking away the need for a key, these systems are considered the most secure locks for cars today. It works with a key fob that needs to be within a certain distance before the ignition will turn on. They operate on a radio frequency to open from a few meters away.

The only drawback is if the fob is missing, then you won’t be able to drive let alone get inside the car. Keyless systems are quite expensive to install and replace but they are at the top of the list for the best car door locks around.

Car door locks have advanced significantly over the years to bring additional security features and peace of mind. Who knows, maybe in a decade or two there won’t be a need for car door locks at all.


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