Meanwhile This Is How Things Roll In Eastern Europe: HELICOPTER PATROLLING THE HIGHWAY IN UKRAINE!

We know that this video will cause a lot of rumors and reactions but we would love to hear your opinion for it! The thing is, imagine one sunny morning you get in your car and you are heading to work when suddenly a war helicopter surpasses you!

Yeah, it is flying so low that it looks like he is following the highway in Ukraine. Many would say it is flying under the radar, a technique which will show him on the radars like a regular semi-truck. But few moments after he is gone!

Damn you still don’t believe your eyes and you think you are still dreaming when suddenly he is back on the highway! Only this time you are awaken and you can see the missiles and how armored to the teeth this helicopter is! Nearly the same is happening on the video shown below!

Some sources said that this is a recording from a dash cam, but judging from the motion of the helicopter’s blades it looks like is a montage but it is too real… We would love to hear your opinion on this, our is that this is a footage from GTA6.


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