Traditional welding would require a flame, high temperature at the joints or a welding machine to do it. This is a new and very interesting way of welding, which makes the strongest and long lasting welds we have ever seen. This technology is based on friction only, no flames, no warming up, and just plain old friction. That’s why this new technology is called friction stir welding, FSW.
It is a solid state process by which high some high quality and high strength welds are possible, even with potentially difficult alloys which do not “like” each other for welding. This kind of welding, the FSW was invented in the early 1990s by the Welding Institute in the UK.
The good thing about this process is that it is considered green, because there are no toxic fumes, no shielding glass or welding wire is being consumed. The down part of this welding technique is that for correct and precision welding, a robot would be required to do the job.
Heavy duty machining, is possible with this robot, which holds the parts in place, while spinning the head for welding. We see a lot of uses of this welding in the near future, do you?