PARKING YOUR BIKE in a Truck LIKE A BOSS with a Backflip Mastery – SO IMPRESSIVE!

This is the proper way to load a trial bike on your pickup truck. No more wasting time to push it up the ramp. It’s time to do it the cool way with lot of guts 🙂 This is perhaps the most impressive way of loading a motorcycle into a pickup. The driver of this trial bike stands on the ramp after an impressive backflip onto the pickup truck parked in some rural area and finally tie the straps on the bike.

This method consists of three easy steps.

Step 1: Get yourself a loading ramp.

Step 2: Perform a nice backflip off the loading ramp.

Step 3: Land in the bed of the pickup truck like a feather on the ground.

Quite simple right? In case you’re still not sure about this exhibition, here is trials rider Jack Field to demonstrate it. So all you have to do is do the same thing he does. It’s not very difficult right? 🙂


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