Official Report By California Police: Paul Walker Died In Accident Because Of High Speed And 9-YEAR-OLD TIRES!

The famous actor and car lover, Paul Walker, died two years ago in a tragic car accident. Since then, there were many theories about how he died and why he died. There was even a rumor that the whole thing was planned ahead and somebody wanted Paul dead.

Of course these stories are not true, and the police investigation showed something else entirely. As the report says, Paul Walker died because of the age of the tires. The tires haven’t been changed since the car was bought, even though they were looking good for the eye, they were not good for driving at all. This was the reason that he lost control over the car and smashed it hard.

The rubber was 9 years old and not safe for the road, and the car with Paul inside was driving over 150 KPH, which is illegal as well. So the rumors about the planed murder, are not true, it is his own fault that he didn’t change the tires on time. This could be lesson for every driver, check the production date on the tires of the vehicle, because even though they look good, they might not be safe for you.

Paul Walker and his Nissan Skyline GTR R34


3 thoughts on “Official Report By California Police: Paul Walker Died In Accident Because Of High Speed And 9-YEAR-OLD TIRES!

  1. David

    Paul walker was not driving the car he was a passenger plus there was nothing left of the tires to test or determine the age of the tires

  2. Josh

    If you’re going to report it, at least tell it right. There were 2 people killed in the accident. Paul Walker was the passenger, not the driver.

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