WHAT, SHOPPING AT TACO BELL WITH A RACE CAR?! This Crazy Guy Must Be Really Hungry For Some Taco Bell Specialty!!!

The Taco Bell employees told these customers that they cannot walk through the drive-through, they need to be in a vehicle in order to be served. In fact this is how every drive-through works, you are in your car and you are there to buy without stepping out of the vehicle at any time.

But the problem here is that these guys don’t have a normal car, they were with a big truck which doesn’t fit in the drive-through lane. They needed to buy from Taco Bell, so there was no other solution, they got their race car out of the truck  in order to go into the drive-through.

They were third in line when they got in the lane and we can hear the owners talking about the service, they got a car now and they must be served. No exceptions there. Now the employees are serving these new customers in the race car as they must. But there is euphoria seen on the video as the cashier sees the race car, and clearly excited he calls up his colleges to check out the race car in their lane.

Check it out here:


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