This Awesome 5D Waterjet Technology Is The Most Innovative Cutting Technology Available! IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND TO PIECES!!!

Water cutting has never been easier with this Kimla Streamcut 5D 5 Axis Waterjet CNC Machine. This machine has been created for strictly water cut parts out of metal, and it is working better than planned. Being a CNC machine, the Kimla Streamcut 5D 5 Axis Waterjet, is controlled from a PC unit.

All the parts that you need will be drawn on the PC, then rendered and transferred in the machines memory and the process will begin. You will need a CNC engineer to draw and program the machine, but when the results come, you will be mined blown.

The water cutting technique has been around for years now, and it is the most precise and clean technique of them all. No cutters and no lasers are being used in the process of cutting the metal parts. The only thing that is used for cutting the metal is water and the waterjet.

The WaterJet must be very strong to create high pressure on the nozzle of the cutter, so that the water will cut through the metal. It is nice machine to have at home, to create the parts needed for the project car.


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