Now this is a race that will be remembered for good. There is a Corvette C5 versus semi-truck race that went down on the road and it is not the kind of race that anybody would expect. The Corvette got so humiliated that the driver must go home and cry immediately and never show up at a race track again. He must have thought that this semi-truck is so slow that he could win it with one gear only from start to finish. But as he didn’t expect, he lost the race so shamefully that everybody laughed at him and booed him. Now he must revisit the books and learn how to race against a semi-truck that has some serous power plant under the hood.
By the black smoke that is coming from both exhaust pipes of the truck we can tell that this is one mighty engine roaring and there is no kidding with it. The odd thing here is that the driver of the fifth-generation Chevy Corvette was so full of himself that he didn’t even think about the consequences of losing this race. He must have seen the coal rolling truck from before, because such powerful truck doesn’t come anywhere, it must have been racing someplace else.
This is a lesson also for the other racers that are full of themselves. You must know your opponent and you must not underestimate them. The looks can fool too because this is one heavy machine and it won against the Corvette. Now the Corvette versus semi-truck drag race has gone horribly wrong for the Corvette and so good for the truck. The truck driver must celebrate because he managed to take down a fast Corvette with such good style, the teacher of the driver is one master of racing too who passed the knowledge to this one.