The ELEGANT MONSTER from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen! Captain Nemo’s Nautilus Car!

Many times, things that we see in the movies that are leaving a big impression on us, does not necessarily have to be so cool and equally impressive and attractive in the real life. Just as with all the other things (like watching some hot girls, who turn out not to be so hot in reality) from the big screen, the same goes for the cars. We have written articles about the 1970 Dodge Challenger from the “Fast & Furious” franchise, about how it was presented in the movie, and how it is in reality. But after all, that ominous looking Challenger is still a great car, even though it may not be so powerful like in the movie. Today we are going to show you something that is miles away from its portrait in the movie.

It is a Captain’s Nemo Nautilus car, from “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” from 2003. That big limousine that was leaving an impression like a perfect combo of a classic style with futuristic features, remember? And I will tell you straight away that besides the fact that the movie sucked (I know that personal taste is not something to debate, but it is my point of view), it turns out that the bizarre looking car is also far from what it appears to be. Its platform is based on the Land Rover, and those six wheels really seem to be idiotic and hideous.

But it would be the best if you see it for yourself and draw your own conclusion about it. And if you want to see some other famous movie cars that are equally great in the real life, go to this link.


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