WARNING: 6.4 POWERSTROKE Rolling Coal Like Mad!!! Take A Deep Breath!

Well we have all seen the incredible power that pickup trucks have, and some even have witnessed that in person.

But what If I told you that a pickup truck can pull a big sand truck like a feather, would you believe me? Well in this video we can see just that, we can see a 6.4 Power Stroke Ford pickup truck pulling that enormous sand truck. This Ford has a custom built fuel pumps, large injectors, 3 inch turbo and it can roll so much coal that the weed that is around him will start  screaming. Also the truck that we see in the video is running 5200 rpm. Although it is only a test, but just from the short results that it showed to us we can really say that no one should ever mess with such power. And to mention, the pickup truck is red and it looks amazing and this whole testing was done in Trucktational, Illinois where the more coal you roll the happier you become!

Enjoy this amazing video and try not to breathe any of that coal!


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