5 Reasons To Change Your Tires Seasonally

Every experienced driver who lives in the country with the cold weather in winter knows that when a thermometer shows that the temperature is below 7 ̊C, it’s high time for a tire changeover.

Why 7 ̊C? All-season and summer tires lose their elasticity when the temperature is lower than 7 ̊C. It results in traction reduction, which is dangerous for you. Winter tires are designed for cold temperatures. The traction is much higher, even on very icy roads.

But if you think that this type of tires can be used all over the year, you are mistaken. Tires must be changed seasonally. Here you will find a list of reasons why you should do it.

  1. Safety Should Be Your Priority

As has already been mentioned, it is much safer to drive a car with winter tires during cold weather. The traction for snow and ice will be optimised, and therefore, the lives of a driver and their passenger will not be put at risk.


Many people choose the best all-season tires; however they are not designed for prolonged winter conditions. All-season tires do quite well during an occasional winter storm but are not very safe in the countries with long and cold winters.

At the same time, winter tires are less effective when it comes to heat dissipation during hot temperatures. Therefore, the wheel can get overinflated, which might cause a dangerous situation on a road.

The rubber compound is more flexible on winter tires, which affects maneuvering. Sudden turns on winter tires during warm seasons can lead to the loss of control.


  1. Fuel Consumption

Many people think that by using winter tires all over the year, they will save a lot of money by finding a tire change company that is reliable and local. Indeed, it is not very cheap to get a new set of wheels.

However, fuel is also not the cheapest nowadays. Being created for icy roads and cold weather, winter tires create a lot of extra traction. Very often they are studded, which causes a lot of extra drag. The consumption of fuel is about 15-20% higher than in summer tires.


  1. The Durability of Tires

Usually, once we buy something quite pricey, we want this item to last as long as possible. It applies to clothes, gadgets, or furniture.

A new set of tires is quite expensive. Making them long-lasting is the best decision to save money. Winter tires wear out very fast during warm weather. Therefore, changing them is indispensable in order to maintain the longevity of your winter set.

At the same time, a summer tire loses its elasticity and can crack during cold temperatures.


  1. Poor Performance In The conditions Not Appropriate For The Type Of Wheels

As it is frequently said, everything is good in its season. On hot and dry roads, winter tires do not provide the same handling as the summer ones. The maneuvers are more difficult to perform in this case.

It is like jogging in snow boots instead of sneakers. Technically, it can be done. But would it be comfortable for you?

It is not the secret to anyone, how poor is the acceleration on summer tires in winter. The weak traction and the loss of grip can lead to fatal consequences. Therefore, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.


  1. The Car Will Sound Like An Airplane Engine

Choosing a set of winter tires, we want as much safety as possible. Here, studded or mud tires come in handy. Indeed, they create the ultimate traction when it’s needed.

But what about dry roads and warm temperatures? On bare pavement, your winter tires might produce unbearable noise. Some people compare it to the sound of an airplane engine.

If you don’t want you and the passengers have a headache every time you’re in the car, it’s better to change the tires when it’s needed.


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