Riding In Group Is ANYTHING BUT EASY! Crazy Street Bike Wreck Sends BOTH RIDERS FLYING!

It is not apparent in the video, but what happens is that the rider of the motorcycle in the left lane that turns to the cameraman is out of gas. Forced to stop, he is advising his friend and heads towards the exit of the highway.

Meanwhile behind them, the driver without gas looks over his shoulder. Behind him there was another biker driving 30 mph faster. Not surprisingly, the two motorcycles collided.

The latter didn’t had his left hand on the handlebars, so he fell off his bike and ended up slouch at full length on the ground. The rider that ran out of fuel was thrown from his motorbike and the two shoes escaped from his feet by the force of the impact, like in a cartoon!

Luckily the two bikers walked away only with minor injuries and perhaps broken egos. This time they got lucky and got away with only a good lesson. However, next time he might want to consider putting enough gas in his bike. The video with the whole event was posted on YouTube by uploader Sitdown Steve.


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