The engine and gearbox are the heart and soul of your car, but they also cost the most to replace. Although it’s common knowledge what to check for in order to determine whether or not your engine is malfunctioning, the gearbox isn’t often given the same level of care. Here, you can learn how to diagnose and repair, or take for repair, some of the most frequent transmission issues by going through the top 10 complaints people have.
The Top 10 Transmission Issues
Usually it’s the seals, the clutch, or the oil in the gearbox that go bad first. It is also usual for transmissions to have problems inside their own internal components, such as with the shift solenoids, the transmission belts, or the torque converter.
Here’s a more comprehensive rundown of the most typical transmission issues:
Broken Gaskets
Transmissions, like engines, need oil to function properly. Gaskets and seals prevent leakage of transmission fluid, but they might wear out over time as your transmission ages. A leak and severe transmission issues will result from this.
Broken Clutch
Worn out clutches are a regular issue for those who drive vehicles with manual transmissions. Changing a clutch isn’t a quick or inexpensive job, but it has to be done to keep everything operating smoothly.
Used Transmission Fluid with Filter that’s Beyond Its Prime
Transmission fluid doesn’t wear out as quickly as engine oil does, but it still has to be changed often. To find out how frequently you should change your gearbox fluid, see your owner’s handbook.
Sensor Failure
Every part of a modern automobile, including the gearbox, are monitored by sensors. As vehicles age, it is usual for its sensors to wear down and stop working properly. The solution is obvious: just get new ones when they break.
Worn Out Gears
Transmission slippage is a common aging problem for both automatic and manual vehicles. This occurs with automatic gearboxes as well, but a manual driver is more likely to detect it.
Broken Torque Convertor
To put it simply, a torque converter is a component of an automatic gearbox. Click here to read more on torque converters. Yet, even though torque converters tend to last for quite some time, they might eventually fail. If this occurs, the gearbox will make grinding sounds while shifting gears and will need to be rebuilt.
Bad Solenoids for Gear Changes
A malfunctioning solenoid is less common than a faulty sensor in a gearbox, although it is possible if the transmission is very old or if you are really unfortunate. Because of the higher cost of solenoids compared to sensors, maintenance costs may go up somewhat.
Transmission Overheating
A transmission that is overheating is a symptom of a more serious issue, but it may be the only symptom you have. There are several potential triggers for transmission overheating. You’ll need to do some serious diagnostics on your transmission to figure out what’s wrong. Potential issues range from stuck gears to outdated transmission fluid.
Interrupted Frequencies
To attain the desired output ratio, many gears must be held together by transmission bands. When these bands finally give out, though, you’ll notice that your transmission doesn’t have the gears it needs. This is an issue with automatic transmissions, and it manifests as a failure to accelerate normally when the gearbox becomes stuck at either high or low RPMs.
Shaky Changes
There are a wide variety of issues that might lead to rough shifting. There might be a dozen different issues, such as worn bands, broken gears, or a malfunctioning clutch. That can only be determined by dismantling your transmission and rebuilding it.
Tuning and Repairing Your Transmission
There are many potential causes of a failing transmission, but it’s possible to spot problems early on and save costly repairs with some knowledge and experience. That’s why you should seek guidance on transmission repair in Calgary, Alberta, for fixing three of the most frequent issues. This allows for issues to be addressed while being manageable.
Leak troubleshooting is a very easy task that needs just basic diagnostic equipment. As fluid always seems to be draining down, if you can find the leak’s highest point, you’ve uncovered the source of the problem. The transmission pan is the most probable source if the leak is coming from below, while a front main is more likely if the leak is at the engine’s front. Figure out where the water is going missing, and then estimate the time and cost of fixing it.
Gear Changes Are Difficult or Fail Completely
If shifting through the gears is difficult, a transmission fluid clean and the addition of a little amount of slip-stop additive can restore smooth operation. This isn’t a foolproof solution, but it might get you a few more years of use out of any transmission and save you the cost of a rebuild if you discover the issue early.
Failing to initiate action
There might be a number of things if your transmission was having trouble shifting into or out of a certain gear. Check to determine whether the TCM is generating any codes by connecting the car to an OBD II scanner. Possible solutions include replacing the sensor or solenoid.
The absence of TCM codes ( Module (TCM) (, however, indicates a more significant problem inside the transmission itself. Possible causes include broken bands or clogged mechanisms. Nonetheless, a reconstruction will be necessary. Rebuilding a transmission is an expensive endeavor, so you should probably start putting money aside immediately.
The gearbox is one of the most important parts of your vehicle. That’s why it’s crucial to know the system well and out so you can spot problems when they arise. And although it’s true that transmission repairs may be pricey, many times the issues can be avoided if you know what to look for. Hopefully, you learned all you needed to know about transmission diagnosis and maintenance from this manual, and when it’s time to get a quote for transmission repair. .