JAPANESE CARS LOVERS HEAVEN IS ON EARTH! Join The /DRIVE Team On NBC Sports, Thursday September 24 For An Adventure Through The Secrets Of Japan’s Car Culture!!!

If you are passionate about the Japanese cars and culture then you might want to take a look on the video bellow. Yeah, without any obligations consider that as an option but first read what we have to tell you about the heaven on Earth!

You know that many of the modern wonders of the car engineering originate from the Japan Island, yeah, the legendary Toyota Supra, the legendary Nissan Skyline and much more. Japan is a country full with surprises and adrenaline, because it’s obvious what a Supra and a Skyline can provide!

Thanks to NBC Sports from 24th September starting at 10 o’clock eastern time you will have the chance to see and experience everything which is part of this rich car culture, starting from old classic cars, “ninja warriors” to unseen master pieces of the modern engineering!

The video bellow is maybe short but it is a brief introduction for what it follows soon. On the very beginning the culture is “opened” by the most wanted car from Japan, Nissan GT-R R35 which will welcome you on the warmest way. That’s right folks, the world is full with surprises, play the video bellow and wait until 24th September, and you won’t regret it!


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