Have you ever seen the Mad Max Fury Road? Well if yes, then you surely remember the best scenes in the movie and surely you re-watched them over and over again.
Because they are full of violence and it is very nice because the camera angles are so good and you can see everything that is going on there and you can even see the paint ball balls flying around the scene. If you haven’t seen the old movie, you have missed a good piece of fun and relaxation with a little bit of violence.
But it is not condition in order to watch this beautiful 4K video inspired by the Mad Max Fury Road. You can see how people or warriors if you will, are driving in a home or garage made vehicles, improvised for desert battles and fast driving in sand. All the contestants have paint ball guns and some aces up in their sleeves.
They have hooks attached on their cars, or teeth hanging outside of the bumpers if a car comes in their way. It will be very easy to shoot somebody in the face because they are driving so close. Check the video here: