This Thirsty Concrete Might Be A Solution For The Floods! Meet Tarmac Topmix Permeable – THE ULTIMATE PERMEABLE CONCRETE SYSTEM!!!

The storm weather followed by a huge amount of rain can cause many difficulties in the populated areas like large cities, small towns, simply said whenever it occurs! The result would be floods and the streets will be transformed into rivers, the parking lots into small lakes and the houses will swim in water!

Thanks to the UK based company, Tarmac these unwanted circumstances can be changed. Their newest invention works in that direction and it is quite effective, Topmix Permeable concrete with improved mixture which is thirsty all the time!

Its thirst goes up to 3,300 liters per minute and it waits for such weather conditions! The video bellow is here to support the aforementioned and prove you its capability! Just play it and witness how a truck is sipping water on a parking lot made from this specific concrete, Topmix Permeable! The result is astonishing the water doesn’t go in all directions and take huge area, completely the opposite it stays concentrated in few meters radius while the concrete is sucking 600 liters in square meter per minute!

Unbelievable, really unbelievable, like the concrete is just a grill and there is deep hole above! The water just vanishes! You must watch this video!

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