We got to admit, this 1968 Dodge Charger is something special. Honestly, many things make this gorgeous beast to be felt as special muscle car, but in our case we will took only one and that is the turbocharged small block 5.9-liter V8 engine. But the sound that comes out from the exhaust is fair enough, even stronger that the engine is appeared to be. While we were watching the video we wanted the driver to press the gas pedal, to unleash the beast and collect as many crowd as possible around the car but we didn’t consider the fact that maybe is too loud and many would be scared!
Yeah notice how some spectators at Helsinki Cruising Night in Helsinki were staring at the car especially intrigued from the sound, and someone feel it scary.
We hope that the owner of this 1968 Dodge Charger will surprise with another video where he is sweating and torturing the engine and the car back is spinning around, drifting and burning the tires, we beat that this turbocharged beast “under” the hood can produce more than 700 hp that can do miracles with the car’s body.
For now just enjoy the “shy” sound.