Sweden is one of those beautiful Scandinavian countries in which the rough cold winter starts in October and ends in April. During the winter temperatures can reach as low as -50°C. Snow 9in Sweden can accumulate up to several metres of depth in the north of the country, which makes it excellent for skiing but this amount of snow creates a lot of difficulties for driving through some areas. However, this is not the case for these two vehicles on the video below. The footage features a Ford Bronco 4×4 and a Volvo C303. It seems that they cross the snow without any problems at all.
Volvo Cross Country C303 called “Laplander” is the basic model of a range of military vehicles made by the company Volvo. The car was developed in the 1960s, based on the Volvo L-3314 series and was produced in 1974. These vehicles were also sold to civilian customers, including emergency services, electricity companies and for private use. The guy is driving this particular C303 in snow at a height of 60-70 cm with excellent skills.