INSANE MONSTER MACHINE: Juha Kankkunen Sets A New Guinness World Record With The Fastest Tractor In The World – Valtra T234!!!

The four-time world rally champion Juha Kankkunen will set the unbeatable world record on ice driving a 7-ton monster machine with Nokian heavy tires! Can you imagine the scenario, enormous tractor skating on ice? We must admit, it sounds unbelievable.

Beside the famous reliability and the excellent speed of making things done, this is the ultimate speed tractor, running 80.88mph! The AGCO engine again proved its performances and kept the tradition which dates back since 1951. The 7.4-liter engine which produces 250hp and 737lb-ft of torque makes this steel baby run like a sport car!

Amazing, really amazing with simple change on the engine parameters, this tractor transforms into a racing machine and it’s not an easy task, just consider gaining speed out of the curves and the skidding! Also the special heavy winter tires are challenged and pushed to the extremes, and when you sum all that together the result is obvious in the video.

Now take your time and watch the video bellow and find out many interesting details about the fastest tractor in the world, Valtra T234 made in Finland. Please comment us and tell us what you think about this speed machine.


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