Sometimes we buy cheap things just because they are cheap but we almost never get attached to them just because the fact they are cheap. But you never know when a never-ending story will be born with cheap beginning!
The same here, this guy bought his 1957 Chevy Pickup truck when he was 20 years old and since then he is using as a work truck for 38 years and he is not planning to change his ride until his retirement. Sometimes that nostalgic feeling exists and all the good memories spent with the vehicle, so why throw it away when you’ve spent more than a half of your life with it? We agree with Bob Sportel, the owner of this 1957 Chevy Pickup, until that 283 cubic inches V8 is ringing and delivering 160HP and 270lb-ft of torque through 3-speed manual transmission – there is no need for any replacement!
Just listen to the engine sound and all the other noises which are arising when Bob Sportel is driving it, that’s something special, pure old-school ride. This is a must see story, play the video bellow and enjoy it!